Asherville, Kansas
...a rural community in the Solomon Valley, Mitchell County, Kansas
...a rural community in the Solomon Valley, Mitchell County, Kansas
Asherville History
In the year 2000 Asherville Township could still boast 122 souls living within her boarders. Through the years it saw the coming and going of the Rees grocery store, a school, and a bank. Today commerce exists in the form of a modern, thriving grain elevator and acres and acres of fertile Solomon River "bottom ground." You will find the Solomon Valley Heritage Alliance kiosk on the west side of the road just as you come into town from the north. The landowner, Richard Anderson, welcomes visitors and encourages them to get out and look at his collection of antique farm equipment. Also be sure and check out the Indian raid victims' cemetery one mile north of Asherville just off old Highway 24. |
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Website by Limestone9 Consulting
Majority of Site Photos Courtesy of Greg German |